16 Crystals That Will Help With The Personal Power Needed To Achieve Your Biggest Goals

Personal power is the ability to take action. It’s based on strength, confidence, self-discipline, independence, making decisions and setting directions.  Why would you want to increase and leverage your personal power?  Because the more powerful you are, the easier it is for you to realize your full potential and achieve your goals, whether those goals involve achieving financial security, traveling, helping others, impacting the world with your ideas and creating a legacy, and so on. 


Do You Have the Personal Power You Need to Achieve Your Goals?

According to Adam Sicinski a life coach and mind mapper with IQ Matrix, personal power means having a deep sense of empowerment. It’s an inner strength and confidence that carries you forward through the toughest of times.

Having personal power means mustering up the ability to handle problems with courage too.  It means breaking free from inertia and from anything that holds you back and makes you feel mentally and emotionally powerless.

Personal Power is a kind of mental toughness that we bring to every situation. It’s the ability to take decisive and deliberate action toward a desired goal, or down an optimal path that helps you accomplish that goal.

Personal power is about living life intentionally with a sense of purpose and optimism. It’s about effectively managing your boundaries, your critical voice, and the unhelpful thoughts that often sabotage your progress.

Likewise, personal power is about overcoming the limiting habits and beliefs that often hold us back from the things we want to accomplish. It’s about becoming a force that’s driven to make a difference to those we regularly interact with.


Personal power can be a tremendous source of mental and emotional strength that can help us work through challenges, obstacles, setbacks, problems and adversity in more effective ways. In fact, it’s something that separates winners and losers in all fields of endeavor. Personal power and how you wield it is the one thing that often becomes a strong predictor of success. 

 It is your standards of happiness, love, values, personal development and responsibility that set your course in life. Have the courage to think as big as you can, expect nothing less than the best, and most importantly, be kind. 

If you want to increase your personal power, focus on building your self-awareness, strength, confidence, and move towards love, meaning and self-realization. Aim to master your inner world that consists of your values, vision, personal traits and competence. This doesn’t mean that you should completely withdraw from your material pursuits, but that you prevent it from influencing your sense of power.

Your personal power or inner strength is the core of your being, the spirit within you. When I speak of your spirit, I am not referring to your soul; I am referring to the power that is contained deep within you. Your spirit, or inner strength, is outwardly reflected in your personality. How you deal with difficulties, how you interact with and treat other people, and how you live your life are all reflections of the spirit that lies within you. When you allow your inner strength to shine through, you become capable of accomplishing things that you would not have been otherwise able to. 

Empower yourself by loving yourself. Take advantage of what it means to have the unrestricted opportunity to love your life, to be kind, and to strive for that beautiful and attainable sense of personal freedom. In your freedom lies your personal power.

16 Personal Power Crystals

Take control and be the master of your destiny! Personal Power healing crystals are powerful gemstones to help use your inner strength with determination, courage, perseverance, toughness and willingness to confront life’s challenges head on. Here are 16 crystals that will help with the personal power needed to achieve your biggest goals.

AMAZONITE ~  is also referred to as a Stone of Truth and Courage. Named after the Amazon women warriors, because it was said to adorn their shields. A lucky charm said to help you be at the right place at the right time. This crystal is empowering, facilitating self-respect, self-care, self-discovery, self-awareness and the ability to embrace one's own integrity and truths. This soothing stone calms the brain and nervous system and aids in directing free floating anger and irritability into positive action against unfair treatment or injustice. Balances the masculine and feminine energies. 

AMETERINE ~ is a powerful combination of AME-thyst and Citr-INE. Because of this it is useful in connecting your physical self with your spiritual self. It balances the passive and active energies that flow through your body and enhances compatability and acceptance of others. An extremely energetic stone, it stimulates creativity and supports taking control of one's own life.  In the spectrum of colors, purple is on the opposite side from yellow, but they are pretty much complementary and reinforce one another. That is why they are so perfect together. The same type of complementarity we can find in the mutual relationship of Citrine and Amethyst. Citrine is related to the solar plexus chakra, which, in turn, is related to self-respect and personal power. Amethyst helps to balance both of these energies, so that the self-respect does not evolve into egoism, nor does the personal power grow into domination and control over other people.

BRONZITE  promotes certainty and control, encouraging us to take control of our own actions and be more certain about what we want in our lives. As another lower chakra stone, it helps to reduce self-doubt, insecurity, and self-defeating thoughts. Instead, it inspires decisiveness and determination to take action and overcome challenges. Not only will Bronzite reduce feelings of helplessness, but it can instill hope, remove fears, and help us handle difficult situations with composure and kindness. Known as the Stone of Focused Action, Bronzite can help you transform your life  through harmony and flow, all while feeling confident, courageous, and centered.

CARNELIAN ~  is a Power Stone!  Reminds one to be "in the moment".  Activates and energizes personal power, revealing hidden talents, stimulates courage, ambition, and mobilizes us into action, helping one to speak out and assert themselves. It is a wonderful crystal for confidence and raising your self worth.  A stone of ambition and drive. It reduces apathy and makes it easier to keep calm and cheerful even when things are difficult, lifting our spirits and helping us cheer up those around us. It helps us focus and assess situations accurately, motivating us to resolve problems practically as we keep our balance, remain objective and strive to see more of the picture.   Carnelian works to activate the first three chakras in order to cultivate your spirit of creativity and encouraging self-confidence.

CHRYSOCOLLA ~  inner strength stone of empowerment and feminine energies. Stone of the Goddess, and those who resonate with Chryscolla will likely feel her ancient and enduring energies rising with themselves. Soothing, revitalizes and calms, helps one to accept ever-changing situations and to strive towards goals. Strengthens communication, its very essence is devoted to expression, empowerment and teaching.

CITRINE ~ is said to encourage a brighter outlook and enjoyment of life, and it’s an excellent one for boosting confidence. It provides the wearer with a sunny energy boost, which is often all that’s needed to boost confidence. As you become more positive, with help from this crystal, your confidence naturally increases too. This is one of the stones of abundance, teaching us how to manifest and attract wealth and prosperity, success and all good things. This stone promotes enjoyment of new experiences and encourages exploring new ideas. An energizing and highly beneficial crystal, citrine absorbs, transmutes, grounds and dissolves negative energy, which makes it a very protective stone. Citrine crystals are invigorating and positive.

CLEAR QUARTZ ~ the most powerful healing stone on earth, clear quartz crystal motivates; enhances and amplifies intentions; allows a deep sense of clarity in your life; brings energy into the soul; allows for deep meditation, filters out distractions; facilitates wisdom, memory, clear thinking and positive thoughts. It is also a powerful energizer, providing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual upliftment. Emotional balancer. Stimulates brain function. It also amplifies energy of all the other stones in this collection.

GARNET ~  provides one with strength and stamina and is full of passionate energy!! This healing stone stirs up internal fires. It is associated with passion, stamina, creative inspiration, sensuality, and self-confidence. It inspires productivity and devotion; to others, to oneself and to chosen goals. Also enhances self-esteem, will power and calms anger. Awakens the "inner fire" of creativity.  Encourages change and enhances imagination.  Brings focus and order, helps us become more productive and achievement oriented. Subtle guide to peace and clarity of mind.

LABRADORITE -  A "Stone of Power & Destiny". Helps you find your inner knowledge, promotes change and transformation, and works against negativity. Labradorite is said to help you realize and achieve your destiny in this life while enhancing faith and reliance in your self.  Brings forth each person's strengths to share with the world. Labradorite promotes self esteem the strength of will and a feeling of inner worth about your own abilities.

LARIMAR ~  a very powerful healing stone. A stone of feminine power, bringing in the goddess energies and allowing one to access the Divine Feminine within.  Supports a state of confident well being and relaxed knowledge of one’s capacities. his beautiful stone can help one maintain one's personal energy and independence in a calm, collected fashion, helps aid in the process of using power and knowledge wisely. Larimar encourages one to speak their inner truth from the heart with complete clarity. It soothes the emotional body and relieves stress. It is cooling and soothing and helps calm excessive fear and diffuse explosive anger.

RHODONITE ~  is the “Stone of Love”! This stone symbolizes “self-realization.” Rhodonite works with the Heart Chakra by soothing the heart center as well as the Root Chakra for grounding and balancing, due to the presence of black oxides in this stone. This balance of colors allows for a powerful and vibration for caring for one’s self. Rhodonite allows for confidence and self-worth. Helps us express confidence and lovingness on the physical plane in day-to-day ways. Calms and feeds the soul through the heart; love and service. It helps us with confusion and allows us to focus. This stone helps to strengthen mantras, chanting, affirmations, singing, and toning.  Excellent for self-confidence and self-esteem.

SUNSTONE ~ brings blessings, protection, and personal power. It embodies the light and happiness cast down to Earth from the sun. Sunstone gives you strength and nurtures your leadership qualities. The sunstone ignites your passion and energizes your sacral chakra to reinforce your willpower and rejuvenate your motivation.  It is a joyful, light-inspiring stone. It reestablishes a love for life when it seems to have lost its sweetness. Use Sunstone to nurture yourself to reveal your true self to shine through happily. This stone can be particularly useful if you struggle with saying "No" and continually make sacrifices for other. It removes codependency and facilitates self-empowerment, independence and vitality.   

TIGER’S EYE ~ enhances protection, clear thinking, personal empowerment, integrity, willpower, practicality, balance, will, and courage. A stone of great Power, enabling us to tap into our inner power; nurture and create with that power. To develop confidence and independence, to become attuned to our inner resources and strengths, and to promote personal responsibility. Tigers Eye is a powerful stone that aids in harmony and balance and helps you to release fear and anxiety. It stimulates taking action and can help you make decisions with insight and understanding unclouded by emotions. It also enhances the feelings of security and self-respect. Tigers eye is an excellent stone for increasing the power of personal will.

YELLOW CALCITE ~  will give you focus. It will increase your personal motivation to achieve your financial goals and to generate new streams of income.  It’s a stone that will help you grasp new concepts and learn new information effortlessly. You will gain more confidence in your actions, and you will become more decisive. Yellow Calcite will encourage you to harness your personal power. It will help you recognize the best opportunities that will come your way, and it will give you the confidence and courage to grab them!

YELLOW JADE ~  the solar plexus chakra, it also increases willpower, motivation and personal power.  Jade is a symbol of purity and serenity, protecting you from harm and bringing harmony. It is believed to attract good luck and friendship. Yellow Jade is energetic and stimulating but with a mellowness to it, bringing joy and happiness. It teaches the interconnectedness of all beings.

YELLOW JASPER ~ the warrior's stone. brings assertiveness, courage and loyalty. Red Jasper is a stone that can help you trust yourself, release self-judgment and value your unique abilities. Red Jasper aids in resolving difficult situations and can be used to ground and stabilize the Aura. Using Jasper can bring helpful insights into view that can help you progress toward set goals, or to understand why a change may be necessary.


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